FINALLY: Awesome Donuts is Opening Soon!


SAN ANGELO, TX — Awesome Donuts is finally complete and is having a grand opening!

Everyone has been wondering what the store at the corner of Southwest Boulevard and Green Meadow Drive is. Well, it has been a long time coming for Awesome Donuts as they were issued a building permit back in September 2022 in the amount of $650,000.

The wait has come to an end.

Awesome Donuts, located at 4382 Southwest Boulevard, is hosting a grand opening of the breakfast restaurant on September 30, 2024.

They will also serve ice cream at the location as well.

In honor of the opening of the store, they will be having giveaways. The first 5 customers will get a dozen donuts and a limited-edition VIP tumbler and they will also have 50 free VIP as well.

Awesome Donuts will be open 7 days a week from 5 a.m. until 6 p.m.

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