Crews Demolish Building to Make Way For Chick-Fil-A


SAN ANGELO, TX— Demolition crews have knocked down a north side building to make way for a brand-new Chick-Fil-A.

In the monthly Permit & Inspection reports, Chick-Fil-A has had a pending permit for the last several months for a location at 2210 North Bryant Boulevard. Now, crews have knocked down the standing building that was at that address to make way Chick-Fil-A, who still has a pending permit in the amount of $1,200,000.

2210 North Bryant Boulevard is right behind Icon Cinema.

Crews Demo Building for New Chick-Fil-A

Crews Demo Building for New Chick-Fil-A (San Angelo LIVE!)

The August Permit & Inspection report has not been released yet but crews have gotten a jump start on the project even with the heavy rain.

This would be the fifth Chick-Fil-A in town as there is currently one at Angelo State, one at the Sunset Mall, one on Knickerbocker Road, and one on Sherwood Way.

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