Tractor Supply Co. Abandons 'Woke' Corporate Policies Just in Time for the 4th of July


BRENTWOOD, TN — Rather than go broke, this large, corporate merchant stopped going woke.

America’s leading rural-supply merchant announced Thursday that it is ending all “Diversity, Equity, Inclusion” (DEI) programs and will no longer support LGBTQ and global-warming causes. And it did this just as Pride Month was winding down.

"We have heard from customers that we have disappointed them. We have taken this feedback to heart," Tractor Supply stated in a June 27, 2024 press release.

The corporation said this strategic realignment underscores the company's dedication to its customers, communities, and team members, ensuring that their values and needs are at the forefront of all business activities.

Tractor Supply noted that its 50,000 employees live and work within the communities they serve, treating customers like family and valuing their relationships with them. Recognizing the critical role these communities play in the company's success, Tractor Supply said it has consistently invested in various local causes, including veteran support, emergency response initiatives, animal shelters, state fairs, rodeos, and farmers' markets.

"We are passionate about being good neighbors in our hometowns because without you, we would not be what we are," the statement reads. This sentiment highlights the company's unwavering commitment to ensuring that customers' hard-earned dollars contribute to the well-being of their communities and the livelihoods of Tractor Supply team members.

Tractor Supply acknowledges feedback from customers who felt disappointed by certain corporate activities. In response, the company has pledged to realign its initiatives to more closely reflect the priorities of rural America. The revised strategy includes several key changes:

  • Discontinuing Data Submission to the Human Rights Campaign: Tractor Supply will no longer submit data to this organization, redirecting its focus towards rural-centric causes.
  • Refocusing Team Member Engagement Groups: These groups will now prioritize mentoring, networking, and business support, aligning more directly with Tractor Supply’s operational goals.
  • Prioritizing Rural America Initiatives: The company will continue to support agricultural education, animal welfare, veteran causes, and local community engagement while ceasing sponsorships of non-business-related activities such as pride festivals and voting campaigns.
  • Eliminating DEI Roles and Goals: While Tractor Supply will retire its Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) roles and goals, it remains committed to fostering a respectful work environment.
  • Shifting Environmental Focus: The company will withdraw its carbon emission goals and instead concentrate on land and water conservation efforts, which are more pertinent to its rural clientele.

Tractor Supply has 2,250 stores nationwide, many located within rural communities that the company now views as the backbone of the nation. The company acknowledges the trust and confidence customers place in it and is dedicated to upholding these values through service.

Tractor Supply's statement concludes with a heartfelt message: "We are always here and ready to serve you and your family with our legendary service for the life you love. See you in the stores."

By abandoning ESG, DEI, and woke causes, the corporation pledged it was doubling down on its mission to serve rural America. The stated aim of Tractor Supply is to reinforce its position as a trusted neighbor and essential service provider in the communities it proudly calls home.

Tractor Supply (NASDAQ: TSCO) closed up $0.55 today on a 70% increase in volume. The stock has outperformed 86% of all other stocks since March 2024.

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Whatever, don't care, not really news, I still need shit for my dog and the good Devil's lettuce killer

They should get mauled for this. If there's not some smooth faced stud demonstrating the operation of their equipment, then let the fields go fallow!

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