SAN ANGELO, TX - For the second consecutive year, the American Customer Satisfaction Index (ACSI) has again found that Atmos Energy is the leader among its industry peers.
Information from Atmos states that a key part of Atmos Energy’s vision statement is to “be recognized for exceptional customer service.”
ACSI Energy Utilities Study ranks Atmos Energy first in customer satisfaction with a 2024 benchmarking score of 80, which is a 3.9 percent improvement over its 2023 score.
“Atmos Energy is intensely focused on safety and customer satisfaction, so it is rewarding to know that our hard work paid off in the form of a second straight year with the top ranking,” said Mike Dickson, Atmos Energy vice president of customer service. “Our team was thrilled about ACSI’s findings in 2023, and we are even more grateful to retain our leadership position this year with an improved ACSI score. This reinforces the feedback we hear directly when our customer support associates and service technicians received a 98 percent satisfaction rating in the surveys we conducted on our own.”
The ACSI, first published in 1994 to provide information on satisfaction with the quality of products and services available to consumers, is the only national cross-industry measure of customer satisfaction in the United States.
This year, the ACSI Energy Utilities Study is based on interviews with 28,887 residential customers, chosen at random and contacted via email between January and December 2023. Overall satisfaction with natural gas service providers is up one point with a score of 76 and remains ahead of electric utilities.
“Hats off to our esteemed peers in the energy utility sector whose like-minded dedication to customer service further pushes us to always be at our best,” added Dickson. “At the end of the day, maintaining the number one position is a testament to the work of all 5,000 Atmos Energy employees who embrace our unique culture by living the five principles of AtmoSpirit each and every day of the year.”
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