SMC Oilfield Expands


SAN ANGELO, TX – SMC Oilfield, a division of SMC Global, a US-based global manufacturer and distributor of oil field chemical products, broadened its operational capacity in San Angelo.

In August, the completion of the site redesign and the commissioning of new equipment at 4125 Dan Hanks Lane marked a significant upgrade for the company. SMC restructured five buildings on the premises, dedicating two of them to manufacturing, blending, and toll production, to better serve the burgeoning oilfield industry in West Texas and the Permian Basin.

The expansion officially came to fruition with a Grand Opening Celebration last Thursday, November 2, 2023, at the fully functional San Angelo facility. CEO Adam Feldman, Executive Vice President Kevin Huber, and the local team extended a warm welcome and expressed their gratitude to numerous community figureheads. Notably, San Angelo Mayor Brenda Gunter, various City Council members, the City of San Angelo Economic Development Corporation staff, and the San Angelo Chamber of Commerce were present. Michael Looney, Vice President of Economic Development at the San Angelo Chamber of Commerce and the San Angelo Regional Manufacturers Alliance, received special acknowledgment for his role in promoting SMC's investment in the area.

Roberto McQueen, the Operations Manager for the San Angelo site, remarked, “The acquisition of the 8-acre property for expansion in San Angelo signifies a substantial commitment to our presence and growth in the oilfield market. Our state-of-the-art facility is specifically designed to offer bespoke solutions, boosting efficiency, collaboration, innovation, and consistency, which are pivotal to our brand’s values.”

In its commitment to community engagement, SMC Oilfield has sponsored a local softball team and participated in the San Angelo Sheep Spectacular. Although the facility itself is not accessible to the public, passersby are encouraged to view the vibrant fiberglass sheep sculpture, a contribution to local culture by artist Bailey Burgess, on the company's premises outside the security gate.

SMC as a manufacturer and supplier of chemical products, along with a comprehensive range of industrial services. Headquartered in New York City, SMC offers inventive, adaptable, and cost-efficient solutions to the complex challenges of supply chain management, with facilities strategically placed worldwide.

Mayor Brenda Gunter (center in green) celebrates the ribbon cutting of the new SMC expanded facility.

Mayor Brenda Gunter (center in green) celebrates the ribbon cutting of the new SMC expanded facility. 

Mayor Brenda Gunter (center in green) celebrates the ribbon cutting of the new SMC expanded facility.

Mayor Brenda Gunter (center in green) celebrates the ribbon cutting of the new SMC expanded facility. 

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