Oakes St. Bridge in San Angelo Will Close for Almost a Year


SAN ANGELO – The Oakes St. Bridge from Concho Ave. to Allen St. in downtown San Angelo will be closed for repairs for approximately nine months.  

According to information from the City of San Angelo Friday, Texas Department of Transportation crews will be repairing the Oakes Street Bridge over the next several months using the statewide bridge repair program.  

Here are the details from the City of San Angelo: 

Where: Oakes Street Bridge from Concho Avenue to Allen Street.

When: Closed June 5-March 2024.

TxDOT is repairing the Oakes Street Bridge and covering 90% of the cost, with the City of San Angelo matching the remaining 10% of the cost. Oakes Street Bridge is owned by the City of San Angelo, but we are working with the TxDOT Bridge Division and utilizing their statewide bridge repair program for necessary repairs.

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