CHRISTOVAL – The San Angelo District office of the Texas Department of Transportation has received several complaints of damaged windows and vehicles on US 277 south of Christoval to near Sonora and are offering to help.
Here is what we know so far:
"We have received numerous phone calls and written complaints regarding the recent seal coat project on US 277 from Christoval south toward Sonora so we are giving you an update on what we are doing to correct the problem.
Watch the video at the bottom of this article.
We are working with our contractor, Ronald L. Wagner & Co., to determine the exact cause of this loose rock and apologize for the inconvenience it has caused you. Our maintenance forces have been out in this area with power sweepers and doing what we call a “fog seal” to try and stabilize the remaining rock.
If you wish to file a TORT claim with the state of Texas for damage, all claims to TxDOT must be in writing.
Write a letter with as much information as possible including:
1. Location, mile marker, county, type of damage (s) being claimed, etc.
2. Full contact information: mailing address, phone numbers, email address etc.
3. Mail or fax the letter to:
Texas Department of Transportation
Occupational Safety Division
P.O. Box 149148
Austin, TX 78714-9148
Fax (512) 416-3302
Upon receipt of your letter, we will respond within 10 days. OCC does not require photos, estimates, or any other documents to initiate your claim. If more information is necessary, OCC will contact you. Should your situation require immediate repairs, please take the necessary action(s) to mitigate your damages. Retain all repair receipts until a TXDOT determination has been made. If you choose, you may contact your insurance company to report the incident."
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