Local Restoration Company Will Use Own Services Following Fire


SAN ANGELO, TX – A local business that is used to dealing with fire and water damage repairs will be  having to do that at their own building following a fire on Sunday night.

According to the San Angelo Fire Department, on Jul 10, firefighters with the SAFD responded to a structure fire on the 1000 block of Foster St. near the intersection of Knickerbocker Rd. and Austin St.

When they arrived on scene, the crew discovered that a large portion of the building was on fire. The crew was able to extinguish the fire without any major damage. 

The source of the fire is believed to have been a trash can but no word on exactly what caught on fire as of now.

The Service Masters by Texas Best is a restoration and cleaning service company. A large portion of their job is cleaning homes and businesses damaged by fires.

As of now, amount of damage done to the building has not been released, but it appears the building was not seriously damaged. 

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I wonder how much of a discount they'll give themselves, and will they report the discount to their insurance company?

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