SAN ANGELO – San Angelo City Council members Tuesday approved a $4.8 million bid to replace the water lines along A&M Ave. from Ave. N to Johnson St. during their regular meeting.
The water line has deteriorated to the point that it needs to be replaced. The pipeline has burst multiple times between Oxford Ave. and Princeton Ave. causing problems for the surrounding neighborhood for years.
According to COSA staff, the South A&M Avenue waterline from Avenue N to Johnson Street consists of existing 6-inch to 12-inch cast iron waterlines that have reached their life expectancy and have had continuous breaks and maintenance issues. This project proposes to replace the cast iron lines by means of pipe bursting with DR18 DIPS Fusible PVC pipe designed to be fully structural pipe meeting all external loading and internal pressure requirements.
Pipe bursting was considered as an alternative to traditional dig-lay-bury installation to reduce the project duration and impact on the citizens. In a price comparison to recently procured projects by the City, it has also been shown for pipe bursting installation to be more cost effective as compared to traditional installation methods. Temporary services will be provided for each connection prior to flow isolation and will be maintained throughout the installation process until new connections can be completed.
Insituform Technologies, LLC will work with the City of San Angelo staff to make all practical attempts to notify the affected residents or businesses with information regarding expectations, possible inconveniences, and project schedule.
The council voted unanimously to approve the $4,787,318.50 project using 2022 water capital funds.
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