SAN ANGELO, TX – Despite the removal of restrictions from bars and restaurants the unemployment rate in San Angelo remains extremely high.
According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, since 2011 the average unemployment rate in San Angelo to date is 4.6%. The last month reported by the BoL was March. The Bureau reports there were 54,580 workers available in San Angelo. Of that number 3,325 people are unemployed.
This makes the the current unemployment rate in San Angelo 6.1%. That is .8% lower than the Texas average, which is at 6.9%. The United States as a whole has a 6.1% unemployment rate.
Usually in scenarios with high unemployment rates there is a low amount of job availability. That isn't the case in San Angelo. If you drive down Sherwood Way you will see sign after sign that all announce that businesses are hiring.
In fact the local Chili's restaurant in San Angelo has had to adjust business hours due to being short staffed. The restaurant is normally open from 10:45 a.m. until 10 p.m. at night but is now only open from noon to 9 p.m. Chili's has also closed the dining room and is only doing limited seating inside the bar area.

Chilis San Angelo Modified Hours (LIVE! Photo/Matt Trammell)
Currently in the state of Texas the unemployment benefits can pay the unemployed upwards to $600 a month depending on their previous salaries. During the pandemic the CARES act completely funded the majority of the benefits Texans received.
To be eligible for benefits based on your job separation, you must be either unemployed or working reduced hours through no fault of your own. Examples include layoff, reduction in hours or wages not related to misconduct, being fired for reasons other than misconduct, or quitting with good cause related to work.
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