Senator Cornyn Announces More CARES Act Funding for San Angelo


WASHINGTON – The city of San Angelo was awarded another federal grant totaling $582,116 to help recover from the economic fallout of the novel coronavirus outbreakU.S. Senator John Cornyn announced Wednesday. The funding, which was appropriated by Congress in March, comes through the Department of Housing and Urban Development as part of theCARES Act. The State of Texas was also awarded $38,299,172 for state officials to use for the same purpose.


“Texas families are still struggling as the coronavirus outbreak wreaks havoc on our way of life, and that’s why it’s critical that we in Washington make sure they are protected,” said Sen. Cornyn.  “I’ll continue to do everything I can to make economic recovery in San Angelo a high priority as we weather this deadly pandemic.”


The CARES Act provided $5 billion in supplemental Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) funding to prevent, prepare for, and respond to coronavirus.  HUD previously announced the first $2 billion in CARES Act funding for CDBG grantees and announced on May 11th the second tranche of $1 billion which was required to be allocated just to state and insular area governments.  This notice allocates the third tranche of CDBG CARES Act funding. The Congress provided the Secretary of Housing and Urban Development with discretion on how to allocate this remaining tranche of $1,987,576,954 within the priority areas of the law. The formula allocation developed by HUD both meets the statutory requirements of the CARES Act and the President’s Executive Order to focus funds toward places with households facing higher risk of eviction.

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