Mayor Williams Forms'Re-Open Abilene' Committee


ABILENE, TX -- Mayor Anthony Williams announced on Saturday, April 25th the formation of a "Re-Open Abilene" committee.

According to KTXS, the citizen committee will be tasked with advising the Abilene City Council on the best practices on how to re-open the economy after the majority of businesses were shut down during the start of the coronavirus pandemic. 

The committee will be made up of 25 individuals that belong to a variety of industries including retail, personal/beauty services, medical facilities, childcare, and religious organizations.

In addition to providing input on best practices, the committee will also voice the community's preferences on how to re-open all businesses.

Beginning next week the committee will share their recommendations during City Council meetings. Meetings will be broadcasted on the city's cable channel, website, and Facebook page.

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The Chinese Skyisfalling Media Panic virus is the perfect liberal Democrat storm. Oil can't be given away, the economy is ruined, health care is destroyed, meat shortages and citizens must rely on government handouts to survive. Just the way liberals like it.....

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