TxDOT: Demolition of Bell St. Bridge Starts Monday


SAN ANGELO, TX -- Demolition of two sections of the Bell St. bridge over US 67 in San Angelo will begin on Monday. 

According to information from the Texas Department of Transportation, Reece Albert, Inc; will begin demolition of the two sections on the east side of the bridge that were damaged by an oversized load on Sunday May 12. 

US 67 southbound will be closed in the area and motorists will take the Bell St. exit to go around the closure.  The signal on the frontage road by Stripes will be constant green to keep traffic flowing. 

Northbound drivers will exit at Bell St. and come to a stop sign at the corner of the frontage road and Bell St. The traffic signal at that intersection will be inoperative because of the demolition work. 

TxDOT says two 26,000 pound bridge beams will be removed along with the bridge overhang/sidewalk area will also be removed. 

This accounts for about eleven feet on each side of the bridge that will be removed. The demolition work will only be on the southbound side of the bridge. Reece Albert crews will work continuously during daylight hours to complete the work which is expected to take two weeks. 

TxDOT says both lanes of US 67 under the bridge will reopen to traffic after the demolition.  Bell St. over US 67 will also be opened to one lane traffic in each direction. Pedestrian and bicycle traffic will also be allowed. 

TxDot will seek a contractor to rebuild the bridge after the demolition is completed.  Rebuilding the Bell St. bridge will require additional closures. 

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Listed By: Cmdr Darwin

Who’s paying for the demolition & rebuilding of the Bell St bridge? Not a dime of tax money should be spent. The worthless windmill transport company should be footing 100% of this bill. The city should be making these loads stop at the city limits & have a mandatory police escort - all paid by the tower transporters. Our streets & roads are already torn up by oil trucks & they certainly aren’t paying for the damage they do. Stop this nonsense now & leave the taco trucks alone!!

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