Overstreet Promoted to City Engineer


SAN ANGELO, TX -- Lance Overstreet, who has previously served as assistant director of the WaterUtilities Department and as assistant city engineer, has been promoted to cityengineer, effective May 4.

Overstreet succeeds Russell Pehl, who is joining a private-sector engineering firm. Pehl joined the City in 2012 and has served as city engineer since 2015. He previously served as assistant director of water utilities and in other engineering

During Pehl’s tenure as city engineer, the City launched a 10-year,$80 million plan to rebuild and repave some of San Angelo’s roughest streets,replacing water and sewer lines beneath many of them. Currently, the reconstruction of a two-mile stretch of Bell Street is underway.

“I have thoroughly enjoyed my time in public service,” Pehl said. “I’m proud of strides made to date in improving some of our most degraded roadways. A foundation is being laid that will serve San Angelo well for years to come.”

The city engineer performs civil engineering and manages land development and projects, including streets, water and sewer line improvements. The city engineer is responsible for ensuring projects meet requirements related to scope, schedule, budget and quality. Overstreet will approve design plans, negotiate contracts, manage contractors hired under those agreements, and ensure compliance with contract specifications and the overall integrity of projects. He will also manage a 15-member staff.

“Having had the opportunity the last five years to work on all sorts of major projects has only deepened my interest in how we can best improve and maintain streets, drainage and water infrastructure,” Overstreet said. “I look forward to continuing to serve the community by contributing to those important works on an even broader spectrum.”

Overstreet joined the City in 2014. Along with his management positions in the Water Utilities and Engineering departments, he has served as a stormwater engineer and a project engineer.

He has been involved in efforts that will extend San Angelo’s water supply beyond 2070, and has designed and overseen construction of several capital improvement and stormwater drainage projects. Overstreet has a varied background that includes engineering, design and construction projects in both the public and private sectors.

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