WATCH: Farm Bureau Grills Up $1 Burgers for Charity


SAN ANGELO, TX -- Tom Green County Texas Farm Bureau members and volunteers grilled hundreds of hamburgers Thursday to raise awareness about farm economy and raise funds for Meals for the Elderly. 

The annual event is to showcase how much money goes to farm producers and how much goes to transportation, preparation and retailers.  Tom Green County Farm Bureau President Brady Weishuhn said, "It started out way back when we were told that 50 cents out of a $5 hamburger goes to the actual producer, the farmer or rancher.  I don't know if you can find a $5 burger anymore so now we equate it to $1 out of a $10 burger."

Here's the video:

Weishun says they started serving at 10 a.m. Thursday and they would cook and serve until they ran out.  They had 1,500 hamburger patties to grill.  

There was an educational trailer setup in the Farm Bureau parking lot so people standing in line could see more about farmers and ranchers and the agricultural economy.

Here's more video:

The annual event began in 2014 and is held in the parking lot at the Farm Bureau office at 2575 Loop 306.  

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