Some Paper and Plastic Recyclables No Longer Accepted in Curbside Pickup


SAN ANGELO, TX -- Mixed papers and Nos. 3-7 plastics will no longer be accepted in the City’s curbside recycling program under a contract change the City Council approved Tuesday.

Those items are being excluded from the recycling stream because they are not profitable commodities. The acceptable recycling materials are:

Flattened corrugated cardboard.

Boxboard, cereal and frozen food boxes.

No. 1 and 2 plastics. No. 1 plastics include soda and water bottles, mouthwash bottles, peanut butter containers, salad dressing and vegetable oil containers.

The latter three should be cleaned before recycling. No. 2 plastics include milk jugs, juice bottles; bleach, detergent and household cleaner bottles; and shampoo bottles.

Steel, tin and aluminum cans.

Empty aerosol cans.

According to information from the city, customers will continue to receive curbside recycling pickup every other week, alternating with bulk pickup on their collection day. There will be no change in the rates customers pay.

“We are pleased to be able to continue to offer this service to our citizens, which contributes to both the preservation of natural resources and the extension of our landfill’s lifespan,” City Manager Daniel Valenzuela said.

Customers who use their recycling bins as a second garbage can are subject to have the green containers removed. A second garbage bin is available for an additional monthly cost.

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