Blessing of the Animals at Dog Park Postponed


SAN ANGELO, TX -- The Blessing of the Animals set for Saturday in the Dog Park has been postponed because San Angelo has seen a significant increase of confirmed cases of Canine parvovirus.

According to a press release, commonly referred to as parvo, the virus is highly contagious and can easily infect puppies and unvaccinated pets. Parvo thrives in most environments as it is very resilient making it impossible to eliminate exposure in yards, pens and parks. Because this event was scheduled for the San Angelo Dog Park and featured a free vaccination clinic and adoption, we feel that the event could potentially pose risks to both shelter pets and owned pets who are not current on vaccines. Therefore, under the advice of local veterinarians and animal control, we have postponed this weekend's event.

Outbreaks such as this only emphasis the need for vaccinations. The vaccination and microchip clinic will be rescheduled in October at a location that is less problematic and offers less of an exposure risk to unvaccinated pets coming for vaccines.

Parvo symptoms include runny or bloody stool, vomiting, lethargy and decreased appetite. Not all symptoms present in sick dogs, so if your puppy has received less than 4 boosters or your dog is unvaccinated and has any of these symptoms, please contact your veterinarian immediately.

If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact us. We apologize for any inconvenience but we want to respond to this risk responsibly with the best interest of the animals in mind.

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What ever happened to the Power of Prayer?
Isn't the blessing of life also for the protection from disease?
Seems someone is a Doubting Thomas.

Just thinkin'.

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