West Nile Virus Confirmed in Mosquitos in Cedar Park


CEDAR PARK, TX -- Officials in Cedar Park confirmed Tuesday that mosquitos carrying West Nile Virus have been found twice. 

The Austin America Statesman is reporting that the sample was collected in the southwest part of the city, near Cypress Creek Road and Sun Chase Boulevard. 

According to the Centers for Disease Conrol, West Nile is a virus most commonly spread to people by mosquito bites.

There are no vaccines to prevent or medications to treat WNV in people. Fortunately, most people infected with WNV do not have symptoms. About 1 in 5 people who are infected develop a fever and other symptoms.

About 1 out of 150 infected people develop a serious, sometimes fatal, illness. You can reduce your risk of WNV by using insect repellent and wearing long-sleeved shirts and long pants to prevent mosquito bites.

Tuesday's sample was the second one found with WNV, the first one was collected in Cedar Park in August.  

Officials are warning residents to use bug repellant and wear long sleeves especially during wet weather. 

The San Angelo Central Bobcats travel to Cedar Park Friday night to take on the Timber Wolves.  

There is a 60 percent chance of heavy rain Friday night in Cedar Park.  

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West Nile virus. Can be fatal. So why don't we take our Central Bobcat team, band, flag team, all the instructors , bus drivers and all the booster club parents and grandparents that follow to Cedar Park and hope that one of us does not get West Nile Virus and it be fatal. Now think about this SAISD school board. Are you willing to take that chance with the students involved. I am sure all the players will have time to stop and apply the bug spray and lets hope everyone can afford to buy the bug spray for there kids. Then may I suggest that parents of all the kids on the trip send the medical bills to SAISD for medicines, doctors visits, hospitalizations and funeral expenses if one of them cannot overcome it. Canceling one game to be rescheduled should not be a hard choice. Let's not forget that in Cedar Park they have a 50-60 percent chance of rain and up to an 80% chance by game time. Lets not think about the flooding they travel through in the HILL COUNTRY. I hope every school board member and every staff member of SAISD plan on attending this game right along with me and see how this turns out. I pray no one gets sick from the virus or the wet weather and that there are no stupid people out that night driving since they don't have sense enough to slow down in the rain and that includes the busses who carry our precious kids to these events! I hope you allowed funds for lunch and dinner since they will all have to leave so early.

Mari73, Mon, 10/01/2018 - 19:11

Yes using mosquito repellent and wearing long sleeves is all well and good for people but what about our pets? My dogs have to go outside to go potty. I can't afford to pay an exterminator. Isn't the city supposed to spray for mosquitoes? With all the rain we had they are litterly sworming my lawn & porch!

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