Apache Recognized For Innovative Water Conservation Efforts


HOUSTON— On Dec. 18, Apache Corporation was recognized as the Industrial Groundwater Conservationist of the Year by the Brazos Valley Groundwater Conservation District. The award honors industrial entities that strive to reduce the impact of their groundwater use on district aquifers.

Apache collaborated with the City of College Station and the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality to procure effluent (highly treated wastewater) produced by the City of College Station to supply its drilling operations. This innovative approach results in a reduced demand for water from local aquifers in Apache's operations and offsets the need for approximately 1.2 billion gallons of groundwater per year that will now be available for other beneficial uses. The company has also committed to build new storage and treatment facilities that will further treat the wastewater from College Station's sanitation treatment plant, then store it until it's ready to be transported via pipe to the company's drilling sites.

John Christmann, Apache's executive vice president and chief operating officer of North America, commented, "Apache is honored to be recognized for our efforts in College Station to reduce our groundwater needs. We are committed to driving industry-leading innovations that preserve a great quality of life in the communities where we live and work."

Apache Corporation is an oil and gas exploration and production company with operations all over the world, including a significant presence here in San Angelo and the Permian Basin.

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