POLL: Which "New and Improved" Angry Cactus Do You Prefer?


The Angry Cactus goes before the City of San Angelo Design and Historic Review Commission (DHRC) tomorrow (Tuesday). The proposed “Angry Cactus” structure for the new restaurant caused an uproar when some board members, all of the citizen volunteers, said that the depiction of the Cactus was offensive. Among the complaints:

  • “The height is not compliant, you’re having to get a variance to create it,” said commissioner Sandra Morris.
  • It could fall into disrepair and become a “run-down cartoonish thing,” said commissioner Gary Donaldson.
  • It’s “cartoonish and is not adding to the aesthetic downtown,” said chairwoman Ashley Young-Turner.
  • “To be just perfectly frank, it’s a little phallic,” Young-Turner concluded.

The original proposed drawing for the Angry Cactus structure was tabled by the committee.

The complaints of the board sent Angry Cactus owner Tim Condon back to the drawing board to create more accurate architectural sketches. Both of them will be presented to the board Tuesday. Condon hopes to get one of the structure plans approved Tuesday.

Here is the original drawing that the commission tabled in September:

[[{"fid":"8042","view_mode":"wysiwyg","fields":{"format":"wysiwyg","field_file_image_alt_text[und][0][value]":"The proposed Angry Cactus sign. (Graphic from the City of San Angelo)","field_file_image_title_text[und][0][value]":"The proposed Angry Cactus sign. (Graphic from the City of San Angelo)"},"type":"media","attributes":{}}]]

The first new and improved Angry Cactus proposal is to put the structure on the roof of the restaurant. Here is what the “Angry Cactus on the Roof” will look like:

[[{"fid":"8710","view_mode":"wysiwyg","fields":{"format":"wysiwyg","field_file_image_alt_text[und][0][value]":"The Angry Cactus is on the roof in this proposal drawing. (Contributed, Tim Condon)","field_file_image_title_text[und][0][value]":"The Angry Cactus is on the roof in this proposal drawing. (Contributed, Tim Condon)"},"type":"media","attributes":{}}]]

The second new and improved Angry Cactus proposal is to place the structure on the front porch. Here is how the “Angry Cactus on the Porch” will appear:

[[{"fid":"8711","view_mode":"wysiwyg","fields":{"format":"wysiwyg","field_file_image_alt_text[und][0][value]":"This proposal places the cactus statue atop the front porch. (Contributed, Tim Condon)","field_file_image_title_text[und][0][value]":"This proposal places the cactus statue atop the front porch. (Contributed, Tim Condon)"},"type":"media","attributes":{}}]]

POLL: Which Angry Cactus do you prefer? Roof cactus or porch cactus?

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I prefer the porch, but that shouldn't be my call. Neither are offensive. Either should be permitted.
If the saguaro cactus had arms, it would probably not have the "phallic" appearence. It should have arms anyway.
It doesn't really matter, either one will lead to an abandoned restaurant building in a few months just like every other new restaurant that tries to make a go of it. Too many well established, long time restaurants already in town for anyone else to try and make a go of one.
David, it's probably a barrel cactus, which is found in Texas. The saguaro cactus are only in Arizona, so they'd be an odd thing to put on a restaurant trying to be Texan.
Of course he doesn't have arms, that's why he is so angry. I would be angry too if someone cut off my arms!
Really? From my senior citizen perspective -- are you kidding me?!? Perhaps you'd prefer the Chubby Eggplant or would that be too offensive to those of us who are bottom heavy. A barrel cactus. If you see a phallus, you need some sort of pricey hourly observation and I'm dying know what you see in the thorns. I asked my young helper what he sees and he said it looks like a thumb. Hope this new restaurant makes it. The cynic in me wants to know what sort of diversion this flap is really about. Are we trying to slip something through with a quick vote while we make much ado about absolutely nothing? I prefer the porch mount, simply because it is less likely to be on the street in (dare we say) a stiff West Texas wind. A few smaller prickly pear on each side might defuse the whack jobs who for some obscure reason see sex in everything. Me, I see dill pickles.
bebop, Tue, 10/28/2014 - 13:49
If people see phallic, that's between them and their psychotherapist...I just seen ANGRY and that's enough to quickly disinterest me. Why would we want to eat at a place that's angry? Are they trying to cultivate a rep that includes insulting the customer, a la Dick's Last Resort? I'm not sure why the Angry anything would be a place anyone would want to go, but that's their problem. And why it will be empty in 6 months, leaving a leering green thumb peering across Concho street. It's not offensive, it's just stupid. (and it looks more like a cobra to me, or the original one did, anyway)
Although i don't think it was the original intent, this new business venture has attracted a lot of press and comments. Free advertising and having people take a stand on one side or the other. That's a great marketing plan !!!! Best of luck to them and to all of those who are trying to make the Downtown area more welcoming and modernized.

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