San Angelo School and Work Closings for Tuesday, Feb. 11; Includes road condition updates


FROM TxDOT via Twitter: 10:06 a.m.: 2-vehicle incident - US 83 4 miles N of Menard. NB shoulder is blocked.

FROM TxDOT via Twitter: 9:45 a.m.: Very icy conditions on I-10 in Crockett, Sutton & Kimble Counties.The clearing line is 20 miles WEST of Ozona no ice there.

Update: 9:45 a.m.

All non-essential Tom Green County offices to remain closed until Wednesday. Commissioners court rescheduled at 8:30 AM Wednesday Feb. 12th -- Judge Steve Floyd
City of San Angelo will be closed today, all non-essential personnel should stay home.

FROM TxDOT via Twitter: 9:30 a.m.:Rollover-US 87 3 miles N of Sterling City. Vehicle is in the median.

FROM TxDOT via Twitter: 9:15 a.m.: The 15-county San Angelo District remains under a blanket of ice. Very hazardous driving conditions. Avoid travel.

From SAPD via Twitter: 8:48 a.m. -- NWS advising freezing conditions continue across the area, very hazardous driving conditions, numerous accidents, DO NOT TRAVEL

FROM TxDOT via Twitter: 8:21 a.m.: TxDOT has NOT closed US 277 N & S of Eldorado as reported by the Eldorado Success. We do not have the authority to close roads.

From SAPD via Twitter: 8:20 a.m.: Shift Supervisor warns about driving conditions, "Drivers are sliding- no's simply do dangerous to drive right now...please share the alerts and safety messages and stay off the roads"

From SAPD via Twitter: 8:08 a.m. -- Ice accumulations, road conditions worsening, use extreme caution if driving, avoid all travel if possible.

FROM TxDOT via Twitter: 7:55 a.m. -- Vehicle rollover on LP 306 near Southwest Exit. On shoulder. Avoid travel if possible. Roads are VERY icy.

From SAPD via Twitter: 8:08 a.m. AVOID Houston Harte Express Way and Loop 306 at all costs today due to ice.

From TxDOTvia Twitter: 7:53 a.m. Travel discouraged due to icy conditions on roadways and bridges:

Black ice reported.
TxDOT is patrolling to de-ice and sand roadways.

SAPD reports Mertzon exit on W. Houston Harte closed.

From SAPD via Twitter: AVOID ***ALL*** travel unless ABSOULTELY necessary!! If you MUST travel, allow plenty of time to do so!!

From City of San Angelo:Republic Services at 10 a.m. will evaluate whether there will be garbage collection and landfill operations today. 

All morning arrivals today at San Angelo Regional Airport have been cancelled. The airport is closed and will be re-evaluated hourly. Departures are delayed for the time being.

The Following are closed:

SAISD – all schools

Ambleside School

Angelo Catholic School

Angelo State University - only essential personnel should report

Ballinger ISD

Bronte ISD

Christoval ISD 

Cornerstone Christian School

Eden ISD

Grape Creek ISD

Howard College

Irion County ISD

Menard ISD

Miles ISD

Olfen ISD

Paint Rock ISD

Robert Lee ISD

San Angelo Christian Academy

Schleicher ISD

Sterling City ISD

Smalls School co-op


Veribest ISD

Wall ISD

Water Valley ISD

Winters ISD

Other closings:

Concho Valley Transit District

Howard College

The Gingerbread House daycare

Classical Conversations of San Angelo

First Baptist Church CDC

Grace Temple CDC

Harris Ave. CDC

Holy Angels Catholic Church - morning mass cancelled

Kidz are us

Little Rascals Clubhouse

Meals for the Elderly


My Little School daycare

Region XV Service Center

San Angelo Early Childhood Center

Smalls School co-op

United Way Of Concho Valley

West Texas Guidance and Counseling

Delayed Starts

Crockett Co.CSD -- no bus service

Sonora ISD -- no bus service

Texas Dept. of Criminal Justice reports list of units or facilities with delayed opening at 10 a.m.

Prison Facilities
San Angelo Work Camp
Robertson, Middleton,Havins, and Sayle

Parole Offices
San Angelo,Abilene, and Brownwood



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live, Tue, 02/11/2014 - 06:49

18 wrecks including an ambulance.

Delayed reporting for GAFB: 10:00 AM Of course, nobody is advertising this, so if you just happen to get lucky and see this, yea for you!
Team Goodfellow, Due to non-improving weather/road conditions, Goodfellow AFB will be closed/activities cancelled for all non-mission essential personnel for the remainder of the day. Any non-mission essential activities already underway will conduct staggered release of personnel who have already reported for duty as mission and weather conditions dictate. Sent on behalf of the 17th TRW/CV
Team Goodfellow, Goodfellow AFB North Gate closed to inbound traffic effective immediately, outbound traffic lanes will close at 1000 hours this morning. North Gate will resume normal operating hours on Wednesday/12 February. Jacobson/South Gate will remain open 24/7. Sent on behalf of the 17 TRW/CV
Joe and Staff of S.A. Live!, Can you guys do some exploratory research and run an article on why San Angelo is so completely ill-prepared to deal with emergency/weather notifications - with, perhaps, a focus on the integration of how major industries do/do not collaborate (i.e. Goodfellow AFB, hospitals, city, schools, radio, television, newspapers, etc.)? I've been here long enough to know there doesn't seem to be a well-developed checklist or strategy to advise the citizens on what's going on. Every year we get an ice storm or two (THAT IS FORECAST!!!), yet the notifications for delays/closures don't get out until later in the morning. While 8:00/9:00 am is great for many who don't go to work till then, there is still a substantial number of folks who are on the roads MUCH earlier. Perhaps, many of the accidents could have been avoided if some of the motorists knew there was no need to get to work that early - especially if you consider that most folks can't drive in icy conditions to begin with. I'm just a little depressed San Angelo does this dance every year. It's like the old saying, "The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again, and expecting different results." I would love it if S.A. Live! could interview the big players and find out where the disconnect is. I'm sure the city will respond that they need more money; - The base will say they are coordinating effectively (probably through Facebook) with the community. Meanwhile, on base, there are giant formations of students still marching on the ice; some classes are in session; nobody really knows who should be at work - The schools will say they are right on target (which, I can't say too many bad things about them) - The media outlets will say they don't usually have reporters up before 6:00 AM, so they are reporting information as they get it. Here's a thought: if you see it coming, maybe you should stay on top of it? Whoa! I hate common sense! - Meanwhile, the hospitals are scrambling to take care of 18+ accidents - including an ambulance of their own - due to the community not communicating the dangers. If this happens EVERY YEAR due to weather, can you imagine what would happen if we had a REAL emergency? This place would look like the scene from Airplane where every is told to "get in crash positions" ( I'm sure my words will get lost in translation on people/organizations who don't have common sense - and that seems to be a growing trend! Anywho... Good luck. We're all counting on you!

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