Closings, Delays and Weather-Related Traffic Concerns


Update from City of San Angelo 2:14 p.m.: Mother-Son Date Night has been rescheduled to Monday, Feb. 17, at the Convention Center because of inclement weather.

Update from City of San Angelo 11:24 a.m.: American Airlines has just cancelled all flights today at San Angelo Regional Airport. 


Garbage Pickup Update: Republic Services has suspended garbage collection and landfill operations today. Weather permitting, it will resume services tomorrow. Residential customers who missed service today will next receive service on Friday.

Airport Update: San Angelo Regional Airport remains closed until at least 4 p.m., though conditions are being evaluated hourly. We will be updating later today.

Scanner: Multiple vehicle pile up in front of Twin Mountain Steak House

From SAPD via twiter 10:18 a.m.: Icy conditions continue within the city of San Angelo and Tom Green County. Multiple accidents and stranded motorists.

Update -- From City of San Angelo:

As of this moment, we still plan to have Mother-Son Date Night tonight at the Convention Center. A final determination will be made this afternoon. We will alert you as soon as that decision is made.

City offices will remain closed the rest of the day. Non-essential personnel should NOT report to work.

Today's Chamber of Commerce Luncheon has been postponed due to weather.  It has been rescheduled for tomorrow(Wednesday, February 12th) at the same time and same location. Time:  11:30 a.m. - 1:00 p.m. Location: Rio Concho West Club House, 6359 Appaloosa Trail.

TxDOT: The 15 counties in the San Angelo District remain under a blanket of ice. Multiple reports of accidents are being received and travel is strongly discouraged. Current weather forecasts indicate that conditions are not expected to improve until Wednesday.

Crews are reporting all roads in our district impacted heavily with ice,

The San Angelo District includes the following counties: Glasscock, Sterling, Coke, Runnels, Reagan, Irion, Tom Green, Concho, Menard, Schleicher, Crockett, Sutton, Kimble, Edwards and Real.

Road condition can be found by accessing:

·      TxDOT’s toll-free highway condition line at (800)-452-9292

·      TxDOT’s facebook page (

·      and/or TxDOT’s Twitter account ( or @ TxDOTSanAngelo


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Joe and Staff of S.A. Live!, Can you guys do some exploratory research and run an article on why San Angelo is so completely ill-prepared to deal with emergency/weather notifications - with, perhaps, a focus on the integration of how major industries do/do not collaborate (i.e. Goodfellow AFB, hospitals, city, schools, radio, television, newspapers, etc.)? I've been here long enough to know there doesn't seem to be a well-developed checklist or strategy to advise the citizens on what's going on. Every year we get an ice storm or two (THAT IS FORECAST!!!), yet the notifications for delays/closures don't get out until later in the morning. While 8:00/9:00 am is great for many who don't go to work till then, there is still a substantial number of folks who are on the roads MUCH earlier. Perhaps, many of the accidents could have been avoided if some of the motorists knew there was no need to get to work that early - especially if you consider that most folks can't drive in icy conditions to begin with. I'm just a little depressed San Angelo does this dance every year. It's like the old saying, "The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again, and expecting different results." I would love it if S.A. Live! could interview the big players and find out where the disconnect is. I'm sure the city will respond that they need more money; - The base will say they are coordinating effectively (probably through Facebook) with the community. Meanwhile, on base, there are giant formations of students still marching on the ice; some classes are in session; nobody really knows who should be at work - The schools will say they are right on target (which, I can't say too many bad things about them) - The media outlets will say they don't usually have reporters up before 6:00 AM, so they are reporting information as they get it. Here's a thought: if you see it coming, maybe you should stay on top of it? Whoa! I hate common sense! - Meanwhile, the hospitals are scrambling to take care of 18+ accidents - including an ambulance of their own - due to the community not communicating the dangers. If this happens EVERY YEAR due to weather, can you imagine what would happen if we had a REAL emergency? This place would look like the scene from Airplane where every is told to "get in crash positions" ( I'm sure my words will get lost in translation on people/organizations who don't have common sense - and that seems to be a growing trend! Anywho... Good luck. We're all counting on you!
Joe Blow, you're absolutely right, but I will say this: Having lived in or near San Angelo for the better part of 40 years, I know to expect closings if there is a potential for icy conditions. If I know it is going to be icy, the first thing I do is check the weather reports. West Texans are notoriously bad drivers in bad weather because they are not used to it. But they never will be because we do not get enough practice....thank goodness. So knowing they are poor drivers, I avoid going out on days like this unless I absolutely must. Citizens need to be more responsible and check on these things before venturing out. Even just a little bit of bad weather can shut everything down around here and citizens of this area, if they have been around very long at all, should already know this and anticipate it. But who around here is going to invest in tire chains and other bad weather measures, when they might not need them but once every 2-3 years? Snow plows? Same thing...a bad investment for a southern city. I think folks do their best to get closings information to the public. There used to be only 2 outlets for this info: radio and the local TV station. Now we have the internet and other digital messaging systems. If citizens aren't aware, and venture out stupidly, they are just hiding their heads in a hole. C'mon, West Texans, you should know better by now.
All I know is I have been here for three years and not once have I seen gravel nor salt on the roads before the ice hits or after. Every city, big and small, that I have lived in does this for the very reason that Texas rarely gets this terrible weather and people are inexperienced and/or unintelligent. I think you are responsible for noting delays and cancellations, not your news reporters, but this whole preventative action issue is bizarre.
I've been here a while and I recall that they use to do that, but the most recent years I see nothing.

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