San Angelo PD Warns of Local Counterfeit Operation


Local businesses have been the recent victims of counterfeit twenty dollar bills in San Angelo. The San Angelo Police Department is warning local businesses and employees to thoroughly check money all money received.

The SAPD warns retailers to carefully inspect currency and not rely solely on the use of counterfeit money detector pens. 

"There have been cases when counterfeit bills were not detected by the pens," said SAPD Public Information Officer Tracy Gonzalez.

Gonzalez says that smaller retailers are often at an increased risk of monetary scams due to high employee turnover rates, and encourages business owners and managers to emphasize the practice of checking all bills received.

This current circulation is still under investigation. 

If you suspect you have received counterfeit currency, please call the San Angelo Police Department at (325) 657-4315 to report it. 

If you have any information about persons involved with creating or passing counterfeit currency, call the SAPD Criminal Investigations Division at 325-657-4264.  Anonymous tips can be sent through SAPD’s 24 hour Tip Hotline 1-855-TIPS-247.  You can also text your tips, text “TIP SAPD” plus the info to 888777.  You can submit tips online at

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