Young Driver Buries Pickup Through Front Wall of Credit Union Building


A pickup truck occupied by two young men crashed through the front wall of the Concho Educators Federal Credit Union, 3215 W State Highway Loop 306. Both the driver and the passenger appear to be hurt, and were taken away by ambulance.

The initial concern was that the wall was load bearing. San Angelo Fire Department personnel quickly determined that the wall was not.

The pickup is embedded deep inside the building. There are no words to describe how the truck could bury itself so far inside. It appears that the truck crashed all the way through the building.

Firefighters are also trying to determine how security will be handled on the credit union building; since it is a place where money is stored.

The good news is that both victims of the crash were transpoerted to the hospital "Code 1", or without sirens and lights.

The police will be following up with each patient at the hospital.

Update 9:42 p.m.

The vehicle is a late-model GM extended-cab pickup driven by a male driver.

According to the media briefing at the scene, the pickup was headed southeast on Loop 306. At some point before passing the credit union, the driver veered off the prepared surface, across the frontage road, missed a portable sign, ran through a drainage ditch, jumped the curb, and plowed directly through the building. The truck went completely through the building and is now sticking out the opposite side.

The male passenger was extracted from the vehicle by civilians. The driver was extracted by EMS crews.

The exact time of the call to respond to the crash was 8:53 p.m.

All electricity was cutoff to the building by the fire department.

Home Motors, the wrecker service, was advised that they will have to extract the pickup from inside the building.

Meanwhile, construction engineers are examining the blueprints to confirm that the building still has structural integrity.

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bebop, Mon, 07/07/2014 - 21:53
Great. Even access roads aren't safe. Flying pickups. That's the access road I use daily for everything. One more place not to feel safe. Morons on the roads.
I was telling my grandchild this morning a tale. I told him that many many years ago when I was just a boy, car accidents occurred on the road with one car hitting another car. He looked at me with a look of disbelief, he asked, "really grandpa?" I said yes, it was a different time back then. The inspiration for this tale of a tale came from knowing of the discomfort reading it would cause Lisa and J.D.

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