Suspicious Fire Engulfs San Angelo RV Trailer


Earlier this evening, around 7:31 p.m., the San Angelo Fire Department was notified of a structure fire located at the South Concho Mobile Home Park near the 4100 Block of Ben Ficklin Road.

Fire Marshal Ross Coleman stated, "Upon arrival, firefighters found a fully involved trailer."

After analyzing the scene, the firefighters made entry and attacked the fire and successfully extinguished the flames.

RV Trailer Consumed in Smoke  (LIVE! Photo/ Joe Hyde)

After clearing the smoke from the trailer, Coleman concluded that the fire started on the east side of the structure.

"After doing an investigation, I am going to label the fire undetermined, but it is suspicious in nature," Coleman noted.

Rv Trailer  (LIVE! Photo/ Joe Hyde)

In the aftermath of the fire, only small pieces of furniture seemed to be damaged, and the trailer appeared fairly empty. This is the second suspicious fire set in San Angelo this month. On May 15, two structures, both mobile homes, burned to the ground (see story here). Coleman said the investigation is still ongoing.

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