Griffith Had Poor Test Score on Promotion Test


SAN ANGELO, TX — Travis Griffith, a candidate for police chief, garnered a low score on a promotional exam from sergeant to lieutenant, as indicated by records at the City of San Angelo.

In September 2019, Griffith, alongside three peers, all sergeants with similar years of service, undertook the San Angelo Police Department Promotional Exam for Lieutenant. The test necessitates a minimum of 70 percent correct answers to pass. Griffith scored 64, the lowest of the four taking the exam that day.

However, State of Texas civil service statutes permit an officer to augment their test score by one point for each year of service, up to 10 years. With over a decade of service, Griffith could add those points, achieving a passing score of 74.

By the time of the test in 2019, the San Angelo Coalition of Police had declined a pay raise from the City of San Angelo, terminating its Meet & Confer contract. The police sought higher pay than the City administration was willing to provide. The Meet & Confer contract permits negotiation of standards and pay for all police officers by the city and its civil servants on the police force.

Enhancing standards for test scores for promotions was accomplished in the revitalization of the Meet & Confer Contract enacted on January 1 of this year.

Under present standards, due to his actual test score of 64, Griffith would be ineligible for promotion from sergeant to lieutenant, as the Meet & Confer contract mandates a minimum test score of 70 without any additional points for years of service.

"Officers who achieve a score of 70% or higher on the Sergeant’s or Lieutenant’s written promotional examination, exclusive of seniority points, will advance to the next phase of the examination process, which is an Assessment Center," state the new San Angelo Police Department civil service rules in the Meet & Confer contract

"I did take the exam and passed with a 74 due to seniority points," Griffith remarked regarding his low test score. "We did not have a contract at that time and fell under normal civil service law."

In 2022 and 2023, the San Angelo City Council assembled a City Charter Review Committee to deliberate on eliminating the election for police chief and instead empowering the city manager to appoint a chief with council approval. During this process, retired Municipal Judge Allen Gilbert chaired the charter review committee. The committee proposed that the city retain the elected chief position but establish minimum standards for a police officer to run for police chief. No member of the charter review committee or city council at the time anticipated San Angelo voters would relinquish their right to elect a police chief. Establishing minimum standards for candidates thus became the committee’s alternative proposal.

Initially, the charter review committee recommended that the minimum rank for eligibility on the ballot for police chief should be lieutenant with at least five years of experience in that rank. Presently, Griffith remains a sergeant, and the original proposed charter change would disqualify him from the ballot. Councilwoman Karen Hesse-Smith and Councilman Tommy Hiebert dissented from the charter committee’s recommendation and argued in open session in February 2023 to lower the requisite rank from lieutenant to sergeant.

At that juncture, Sgt. Griffith was already orchestrating support for his 2024 bid for police chief.

Hesse-Smith expressed concern that mandating the rank of lieutenant would narrow the pool of eligible candidates for police chief from 60 — 52 sergeants and 8 tenured lieutenants — to merely 8 tenured lieutenants. Hiebert concurred, noting that San Angelo voters had previously elected a sergeant as their police chief. Council unanimously approved lowering the standard for any police chief candidate from a 5-year tenured lieutenant to sergeant. The charter change received voter approval in May 2023.

The last sergeant elected San Angelo police chief was Tim Vasquez.

Ironically, the fears Hesse-Smith and Hiebert expressed a year ago did not materialize. Griffith is running against two tenured lieutenants.

Test results from the September 13, 2019 Promotional Exam for Lieutenant as provided by an open records request from the City of San Angelo.

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How fortuitous for Mike Hernandez... It seems that all of the major governmental and business players in San Angelo favor him. The gods (Mammon? Moloch?) smile upon him. Fate and happenstance curse his opponents.

You can't see it outright, but if you look closely you can see the outline of the COSA deep-city-state moving along the backdrop of local politics like the Predator.

Or one could guesstimate that the well to do's already have Mike Hernandez in their pockets. Fitting it would be as San Angelo is ran by a gold digging billionairess  who blew tube steak for her winnings. 

If you're good with chaos and a fan of irony, I'm gnostic you'll enjoy the next 10 years of our current Turchin cycle. It's gonna be fkn LIT... 😂 

Nope that's you buddy. ASSCLOWN 🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤠🤠🤠🤠🤠🤠🤠🤠🤠🤠🤠🤠🤠🤠🤠🤠🤠🤠🤠🤠🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡

Bronc, Fri, 04/26/2024 - 14:26

I notice this is the second hit piece against Travis Griffith in two days from Joe Hyde.  And I also noticed that Joe was the water boy for liberal Drew Darby.  Obviously Joe is establishment and therefore not worth reading. Pity.

Drew is hardly a liberal; he is simply not a rightist nutjob.  He is a conservative with a functioning brain, which is a thing becoming ever more rare in these times.  The current House of Representatives is absolute proof of this.

Regarding my jibe at rightist nutjobs, I have a new moniker for Little Donnie Trump:  "El dormiendo loco pendejo".  After all, he's a judgmentally deficient idiot and has been napping during his trial.  Only someone seriously cerebrally challenged would behave that way.

"Oh noes! El Supremo Trumpino is gonna become big dictator and overthrow our oligarchy!

"Then the FBI is gonna get cleaned out and be forced to prosecute criminal millionaires and billionaires instead of vagrant randos it classified as domestic terrorists to justify its budget. We gotta do something, guise!" 🙄

You're not stupid. You know that the 3rd world tactic of prosecuting and imprisoning opposition is just going to further delegitimize the government in the eyes of the populace. Shit bigger bricks, Pat!

Sign me up for some COINTELPRO if you don't like my take. Outsource it to a contractor if you need to.

We should all get T-shirts that say, "I hate San Angelo Live!" That's S-A-N-A-N-G-E-L-O-L-I-V-E .com! Only read it to compare it to other news sites and point out inconsistencies! Joe's on the take from the local establishment, ie, "in business in San Angelo!"

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