WATCH: Mayor and New San Angelo City Councilwoman Spar On First Day

SAN ANGELO, TX – San Angelo Mayor Brenda Gunter and new City Council Member Karen Hesse-Smith got into their first sparring match during Tuesday's City Council Meeting.  The episode ended with Hesse-Smith casting her first no vote which ended up 6 to 1.  

As previously reported, on Feb. 15, the City of San Angelo's City Council approved a $32 million project to completely rebuild College Hills Blvd. For more on the actual rebuild see: $32 Million College Hills Reconstruction Project Approved by City Council

This project has been in the making for years now and Tuesday was the last reading to finalize the deal. Prior to the vote though, Hesse-Smith attempted to stop the vote.

"This has a large impact on my district andI realize that I am swimming upstream. First as a disclaimer let me say I know that this is a very important and needed project," said Karen Hesse-Smith. "I simply ask for a very brief delay on a final vote so I can meet with you (Shane Kelton, Executive Director of Operations for COSA) personally, review the bid specs, so that I understand it completely before I vote for $32 million expenditure."

This wish was quickly shot down.

"We will not," said Mayor Gunter. "We will ask for a motion and move forward based on council's wish. We need this project to move forward."

Hesse-Smith did not give up and attempted once again.

"I absolutely understand that and agree with you," responded Hesse-Smith. "I just would like to be feeling a little bit more comfortable with my understanding of the scope of the project."

The project was approved with a 6-1 vote. Hesse-Smith was the only council member to vote nay on the project.

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I guess that old scare crow looking witch of a mayor has never taken the opportunity to drive North on Chadbourne from Harris street up to about 47th street... Might literally "shake and jolt" some sense into whatever is inside the confines of her bone encased head.......


The council member simply wanted to cast an informed vote on the issue, but was denied that opportunity. It would have been prudent to allow her a couple of days to get up to speed on the proposed project, but the Wicked Witch of the West flatly denied her that chance. Hesse-Smith's no vote was symbolic at best, but it was the right thing to do.

As far as the headline goes, it was hardly a sparring match, WWW simply slammed the door in her face.


I don't know what Hesse-Smith thought she was going to unveil by looking at the specs and bids for this project. A lot of work went in to generating this proposal, and surely she has known for a long time that "her constituents" have been demanding a resolution for a long time now. She should have been up to speed on the topic before she sat in the Council chair. She's not off to a good start.  

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