San Angelo Updates Regs for Short-Term Rentals and Bed and Breakfasts


SAN ANGELO, TX — San Angelo city officials have approved changes to zoning regulations governing Bed and Breakfast (B&B) and Short-Term Rental (STR) establishments, effective June 1, 2024. 

These updates aim to refine these businesses' approval, renewal, and revocation processes while imposing stricter distance limitations.

Under the new ordinance, STRs will be allowed by right, without a conditional use permit, in RM-1 and RM-2 residential zones and all commercial and industrial districts. 

These properties must meet specific requirements including building codes and annual inspections by the Fire Marshall. Additionally, they must pay a Hotel Occupancy Tax, aligning them with similar regulations in residential areas.

Significant to residential areas, the ordinance mandates a 500-foot separation between STR properties and public schools across multiple residential zoning districts. STRs must also pass annual safety inspections conducted by the Building Official's Office.

For B&B establishments, the ordinance caps the number of guest rooms to four and restricts food preparation areas within individual rooms. These establishments must ensure the operator is a full-time resident of the dwelling and remains on-site when guests are present.

Moreover, the ordinance provides the Planning Commission the authority to revoke conditional use if operators violate terms or fail to meet criteria, including maintaining proper safety standards and managing taxes appropriately.

Click here for more information. 

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