"Fed Up" Patriots Will Rally on Independence Day Against Unconstitutional Restrictions


SAN ANGELO, TX – A group of San Angeloans who are "fed up" with coronavirus restrictions have organized a peaceful rally to remind citizens what the Independence Day Celebration is really about. 

Organizer Caleb Wallace says on Saturday, July 4 the group will rally at the Tom Green County Courthouse at 11 a.m. and then march to City Hall. This "Freedom Rally" will be for citizens to voice their opinions on the unconstitutional regulations that have been placed on Americans since the beginning of the coronavirus pandemic. 

"This isn't an issue between the Republican and Democrat parties; this is an issue for all Americans." said Wallace. "The reasoning behind this march is to make citizens aware that their Constitutional Rights still exist." 

They will have speakers during the event to highlight how they believe they've been wronged by unconstitutional restrictions. Wallace claims to have been in contact with the Mayor's office and that Mayor Gunter approves of the rally. 

San Angelo Police Department officers will be on hand as well to ensure the rally remains peaceful. "There won't be any weapons or anything like that there," ensured Wallace. "We want everyone to come including mom, dad, grandma, grandpa, and even the kids." 

The freedom rally will be held on July 4 at 11 a.m. 


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