Green's Grocery Managers Discuss Closure and Online Store


Green’s Grocery and Café announced yesterday it's closing. The original announcement can be located here.

 As of now, the store is having a 15 percent off store-wide sale. Gelato and Paciugo will be 50 percent off. And despite the announcement, the employees at Green’s Grocery continue to provide their best, personable customer service.

Mary Beam and Chris Tyler, co-directors of Green’s Grocery and Café, have been with the store since doors opened November 3, 2014.

As of now, there is not an official closing date.

“We have a lot of families [who] work here. So right now, we are focusing on helping them find other places to work, as well as exhausting our inventory,” said Beam. Right now, Green’s has over 100 employees throughout the store.

As for the closing, Beam added, “There is no particular reason [for closing]. San Angelo is saturated with grocery stores. We are a neighborhood grocery store, so we just feel like it’s best to close now and restructure. Right now, we are focusing on our employees, and we will continue and grow our online store.”

The Green’s online store can be located here. The online store will feature foods from the meat market such as dried sausage and beef jerky. Also, chocolate and dried fruit will be one of the items available in the online store.

“[Having to deal with all of this] is sad," stated Beam. "Chris and I have been on this venture well before [Green’s] opened. There are a lot of people here [who] have been with us since the very beginning.”

Tyler noted, “We just want to express a thank you to the community for supporting us, as well as all of our employees who have given their time and effort to be able to allow us to open our vision of Green’s. Like Mary said, years ago, this was our vision. This is a somber occasion for us, but at the same time, it was a pleasure to serve San Angelo and its community. “

Continuing on with Tyler's statement, Beam said, “We do have a great following of people. We have a lot of regular customers whom we’re having to say goodbye to.”

When asked if the store would remain vacant, Tyler stated, “No comment.”

Right now, the focus for Green’s is to grow the online store. Beam ended by saying, “We’re going to do special orders in our meet market for holiday’s wholesale. We’re going to expand our online store; right now, that is what we are going to focus on. So, those customers who really enjoy our jerky and our sausage, and things out of our meet market, still have an opportunity to get that. We encourage people to keep looking at our online store and see what it will grow to.” 

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I am sorry to see this happening. I wanted to go shpping there but it is across town from me and I figured by the time I paid for gas the bargains would not be bargains any more. If we ever get a store like it out our way I will definately go there.

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