Retired PD Officer Quade Endorses Hernandez for Chief


SAN ANGELO, Texas – A well known and well respected retired San Angelo Police officer has endorsed Mike Hernandez for Chief of Police in the June 15 runoff election.  

Steve Quade retired from the force a few years ago.  He was an officer with the motorcycle traffic division at the time of his retirement.  

His letter of endorsement is below: 

"I am writing this letter to express my endorsement and support for Lt. Mike Hernandez for the position of San Angelo Police Chief.

I worked for the San Angelo Police Department for 30 years with 18 years on patrol and 12 years in Traffic. I was working on patrol when I first met Mike when he was a rookie and in training. I have worked with Mike throughout his career as he made his way up through the ranks. While working in traffic, I worked under Lt. Hernandez when he was the commander of Patrol and Traffic. Through out his career Mike has held himself to a very high standard and wanted that same standard from the officers that was under his command. He has always led by example, and he is one of the officers that was always respected by the officers and the public because of the way that he treated everyone. He has always been an officer that the San Angelo Police Department and the City of San Angelo could be proud of having on their team. Mike is the one person that can bring the much needed changes to the department and make the San Angelo Police Department the department that they could be proud of again.

With Mike's professionalism, work ethic, training, and demeanor, I am proud to endorse Lt. Mike Hernandez for the position of San Angelo Police Chief."

Steven Quade, Retired San Angelo Police Officer

Julie Quade, RN BS Retired Shannon NICU Director

San Angelo Police Department

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