Biden's Deep State Goons Attempt to Steal Texas Water


WASHINGTON, DC — Congressman August Pfluger (TX-11) released the following statement in response to the Biden Administration’s revised Waters of the United States (WOTUS) rule. 

Rep. August Pfluger (TX-11): “Once again, the Biden Administration has revised its definition of the Waters of the United States (WOTUS) to bring more waterways under the control of the federal government. Earlier this year, the Supreme Court made it clear through Sackett v. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) that the administration was committing bureaucratic overreach into WOTUS and did not have the authority to regulate unnavigable waters. Their new rule disregards the guidance of the Supreme Court. President Biden and the EPA don't get to control every drop of water in Texas or tell Americans what they can do on their private property. I will continue fighting for our district against federal overreach.”

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Moron -  IQ between 51 and 70
Imbecile - IQ between 25 and 50
Idiot - IQ between 0 and 25

If one assumes your assessment of Biden supporters is accurate, one must draw this conclusion:

Based on Trump's woeful performance in office, minuscule credibility, lack of demonstrated business acumen (lawsuits, bankruptcies and other such business failures), criminality in business dealings (ripping off contractors when owed money for honest work), basic immorality, mental instability, lying about one's wealth (and weight), lack of understanding and respect for the Constitution, a nasty propensity for "throwing people under the bus", a horrifically distorted sense of self-worth, narcissism, a sense of godhood, his affection for monsters like Putin and Hitler, his mysogony and racism, his attempt to overthrow a demonstrably clear and honest election... I could go on...

Then anyone who even thinks about voting for Trump is an idiot... IQ from 0 to 25.  Trump is, in summary, a nasty totally self-serving bastard.

CGM5, Thu, 08/31/2023 - 18:22

Please explain to me why it is that Trump is guilty until proven innocent and biden is innocent until proven guilty. Would you care to exchange hard facts on the two men and leave our feelings out of it?

Mostly people paid to stuff mail-in ballots into public mailboxes vote for Biden using other people's information.

From what I read the EPA has loosened restrictions. And it's sad because clean water will be destroyed by the selfish people and industries. 

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