AG Paxton Calls for House Speaker Phelan to Resign Following Alleged Drunk Video


AUSTIN, TX – Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton is the first elected official calling for the resignation of Texas Speaker of the House Dade Phelan after an unflattering video of the Speaker on the House Floor.

The call comes for his resignation after video surfaced of Phelan being apparently intoxicated while running a Legislative session. Below is that video.

Paxton claims that because of his actions, Phelan should resign at the end of the regular legislative session Friday. 

Phelan has not responded to the comments by Paxton. This is a developing story.

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that this is the same Ken Paxton who has been indicted for securities fraud and is under investigation by the FBI for allegations of bribery and abuse of office.

How is it ironic?  Mountainous levels of hypocrisy are the hallmark of republicans nowadays, as richly evidenced by their failure to excoriate Santos as soon as his perfidy came to light.

Quoth Yoda:  "Gypsies, tramps, thieves, and hypocrites they are."

I would consider Santos more of an infiltrator of the Republican party. That being said, I think the idea that someone can just fudge a lil bit on their resume and end up a congressman gives a lot of people hope.

The American Dream is alive, folks. ? ? 

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