Rare Endangered Tiger Shot and Killed While Attacking Zoo Worker


NAPLES, FL- A cleaning worker was severely injured by an endangered tiger Wednesday at Naples Zoo in Florida after he putting his arm into the big cat’s enclosure.

Deputies were called to Naples Zoo around 6:30 p.m. and discovered the tiger with the workers arm still firmly in its mouth.

After attempting to get the tiger to let go of the worker, the deputies were forced to shoot the 8-year-old big cat. The tiger let go and was eventually sedated by veterinarians to be examined. According to a zoo representative, the tiger, named Eko, later died.

The worker, who was employed by a third-party cleaning service, was not supposed to be in the area around Eko’s enclosure as he was hired to clean the gift shop and bathrooms.

Preliminary information from the sheriff’s office said the man appeared to be trying to pet or feed the tiger.

Florida Fish and Wildlife Commission is investigating the incident.

Eko was the only Malayan tiger at the Naples Zoo and came from Seattle’s Woodland Park Zoo in 2019. According to the World Wildlife Fund, the Malayan tiger is critically endangered and an estimated 200 live in the wild.

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The wrong animal died in this incident. There are far more than 200 idiots in this world. 

CGM5, Fri, 12/31/2021 - 11:15

Darwin's Law was trying to play out but, the Deputies interfered. Now the guy that decided it's ok to reach into a tiger's cage and pet it, will still be in the gene pool.

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