Conaway: The First of Obama’s Last Acts: Overreach on Gun Rights


Washington  –  Congressman Mike Conaway (TX-11) released the following statement on the President’s executive action on gun control:

“Through this latest executive order, the President has once again shown his blatant disregard for the will of the American people and our constitutional right to bear arms. President Obama dictated from his bully pulpit today with concern only for his political agenda, not the people he claims to want to help. The President has yet again exhibited his refusal to work with Congress, choosing instead to make radical, unilateral decisions. Law-abiding gun owners should not be punished because of President Obama’s eagerness to impose his liberal ideals on our nation.”

Following the President’s announcement, Congressman Conaway joined Congressman Marlin Stutzman (IN-3) to introduce the Separation of Powers Restoration and Second Amendment Protection Act. Under this bill, any action that violates the Second Amendment will have “no force or effect.”

Fellow Texan Rep. John Culberson, chairman of the Appropriations subcommittee that oversees the Department of Justice, sent a letter to Attorney General Loretta Lynch to inform her that Congress will not fund any measure that in any way violates the Second Amendment. Congressman Conaway has vowed to fully support Chairman Culberson’s efforts.

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