Top 10 Most and Least Kept New Year's Resolutions Revealed in Latest Study


DALLAS, Texas – As the New Year approaches, many people worldwide are gearing up to set resolutions, aiming to embrace positive changes and habits. A recent study delving into the most and least kept New Year's resolutions sheds light on the patterns and trends that often define individuals' goals and commitments.

Top 10 Most Kept New Year's Resolutions

  1. Exercise More: Topping the list, the commitment to engage in regular exercise stands as one of the most commonly kept resolutions, with individuals striving to lead healthier lifestyles.

  2. Eat Healthier: Alongside exercising more, a significant number of people vow to adopt healthier eating habits, focusing on balanced diets and better nutrition.

  3. Save Money: Financial responsibility ranks high, with individuals pledging to save more, budget effectively, and reduce unnecessary spending.

  4. Learn a New Skill or Hobby: The desire to broaden horizons by learning something new is a popular resolution that often sees success.

  5. Travel More: Exploring new places and cultures frequently makes it to the list, with individuals aspiring to expand their horizons through travel.

  6. Read More: The commitment to read more books or increase knowledge through reading often results in success.

  7. Spend More Time with Family and Friends: Strengthening relationships and fostering connections with loved ones is a resolution that many manage to keep.

  8. Quit Smoking or Drinking: Resolutions aimed at breaking detrimental habits like smoking or excessive drinking often see high success rates.

  9. Get Organized: Tackling clutter, organizing spaces, and striving for a more structured lifestyle are resolutions that many individuals successfully achieve.

  10. Focus on Mental Health: Prioritizing mental well-being, including practices like meditation or seeking therapy, is a resolution that individuals are increasingly successful in maintaining.

Top 10 Least Kept New Year's Resolutions

  1. Lose Weight: Despite being a popular resolution, maintaining weight loss goals throughout the year tends to be challenging for many individuals.

  2. Stick to a Diet: Similar to weight loss resolutions, adhering to strict diets often proves difficult in the long run.

  3. Save More Money: While saving money ranks high among resolutions, consistently following through with this commitment can be challenging.

  4. Be Less Stressed: Despite the intention to reduce stress levels, the complexities of modern life often hinder this resolution from being effectively maintained.

  5. Procrastinate Less: Breaking the habit of procrastination is a resolution that proves to be tough for many.

  6. Volunteer More: While the desire to give back is strong, finding consistent time for volunteering can be a challenge.

  7. Reduce Screen Time: With the pervasive use of technology, reducing screen time remains a resolution that many struggle to uphold.

  8. Travel to New Places: While travel is a common resolution, various factors can inhibit the ability to explore new destinations regularly.

  9. Learn a New Language: Mastering a new language often requires consistent dedication, making it a challenging resolution for many to maintain.

  10. Be More Environmentally Friendly: While the intention to be eco-conscious is present, maintaining sustainable habits can be demanding amidst daily routines.

The study highlights the diverse nature of New Year's resolutions, emphasizing both the achievements and challenges individuals encounter in striving for personal growth and improvement. As the year comes to a close, many will embark on new resolutions, aiming to make positive changes in the upcoming year.

New Years Resolutions

New Years Resolutions

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