INCONCEIVABLE: Tucker Carlson Out at Fox News


NEW YORK, NY – Popular news anchor Tucker Carlson is reportedly leaving Fox News.

According to multiple sources, Apr. 21, 2023, Carlson hosted his last episode of Tucker Carlson Tonight. This is coming days after Fox News settled a lawsuit with Dominion Voting Systems.

It unclear if the lawsuit had anything to do with the split but in a statement on Monday morning Fox News did thank Tucker for his time. They also said this was a mutual decision.

Tucker worked for Fox News since 2009. It is unknown who will replace him as their premier night time slot.

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Some time ago I was staying in a hotel in SanGlo.  I will mention no name, but it was one of the newer, fancier, more expensive places. Anyway...

I am a morning person.  I strolled into the area where breakfast was to be available at zero-dark-early, and was the first customer in the place.  A lady was busy setting out the breakfast stuff.

The TV had Fox news on.  I, having higher standards, very politely asked the aforementioned lady to change the channel to CNN.  She looked at me like I were the spawn of Satan and spat out, "Fox tells the truth!".

I was the paying customer here.  I did not look at her all steely-eyed and tell her to change the goddamn channel, but I did much more firmly ask her to do so.  She gave me a look that would melt lead, but she changed the channel to CNN.

We were still the only ones in the place, and certainly no one else was in there clamoring to watch Fox.  Otherwise I would have yielded to the majority regarding channel choice.  I was the only one there, so it seems logical I get the only vote.  I ate, watched real news, and left.

I told some folks this tale later, and they said I should have reported that woman to hotel management.  I saw no point in doing that.  I did not want to jeopardize her job.

My point:  Fox News has long not been a source of true journalism, but a propagandistic arm of the Right, and more lately the ultra-Right.  I will always wonder if that clueless woman I met that ugly morning ever realized that, even with the avalanche of information revealing that Fox knowingly spouted pure horseshit to its viewers, knowing all the while witless rubes would swallow it.

I truly hope Rupert, his company, and his minions pay a very heavy price for the damage they have done to this country.  The Dominion suit is the first step.  Now comes Smartmatic, and down the line come the lawsuits against the filth like Hannity, Carlson, Giulani, Pillow Brain, and Powell.

And now, thanks be to God, Tucker Carlson (the Prince of Prevarication) is off Fox.  I sadly feel his evil will resurface on some other source of trash to unthinking rubes and they will continue to gobble it up.

He has done great harm heretofore and will likely continue to do so.

Hmmmm, Tue, 04/25/2023 - 19:50

Amigo, nobody cares what you think. I do find it very strange that you obsessively comment on a local news site about things like this in a town you don't live in.

Good question.

(1) San Angelo is my home town.
(2) I still love the place, and like many more people there than I dislike.
(3) I have friends there.
(4) I have interests there.
(5) I visit there frequently.
(6) Of all the places I have lived, San Angelo is the only one with which I            feel any connection.  I feel no connection to where I live now and will someday leave the place... maybe to Christoval, Mertzon, Bronte, or Ballinger.
(7) I admit I have little regard for the political orientation there.  I will never apologize for that.

If you don't care for my stuff, you don't have to read it.  That would not offend me.

In closing, I wish Tom Green County (heck, the whole Concho Valley) and its denizens well.  I have said many times some of the best people God put on His earth live there.


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