St. Mary’s Second Annual Music Festival Will Feature Major Country and Tejano Lineup


Aaron Watson, Elida Y Avante, Michael Salgado and Cacy Savala fans will join together to see their favorite stars on one stage beginning at 12:30 p.m. this Saturday, July 23, during the 2nd Annual St. Mary’s Music Festival at the Bill Aylor Sr. Memorial RiverStage.

“We’ve got a lot of good entertainment coming in,” said Jessie Fitchett, chairman of the church festival.

Fitchett also said this is the first time San Angelo has blended two genres, Country and Tejano music, together.

Father Joey, a priest at St. Mary’s, came up with the idea. Last year’s festival only featured Tejano musicians; however, this year he wanted an event that appealed to all his parish, Fitchett said.

“We don’t just have Hispanics in our church,” he said. “So we thought we’d test the waters and decided to add country music to bring the community together.”

To accomplish this, Fitchett joined together with Ernest Garcia and Eric Sanchez, fellow church members who have connections with Tejano music artists.

“It really was a team effort. I couldn’t have done this without their help. All of this is God’s work,” Fitchett said.

Saturday’s lineup includes:

  • 12: 30 p.m. - Mario Flores, Country
  • 2:30 p.m. – Cacy Savala, Tejano
  • 4:30 p.m. – Judson Cole, Country
  • 6:30 p.m. – Elida Y Avante, Tejano
  • 8:30 p.m. – Aaron Watson (Main Event), Country
  • 10:30 p.m. – Michael Salgado, Tejano

Country and Tejano music lovers who attend Saturday’s concert will be in for a nice surprise, Fitchett said. Two lucky ticket winners have the chance to win an autographed Aaron Watson guitar or an autographed Michael Salgado accordion. Pre-sale tickets are $15, or can be purchased for $20 at the gate. Children 10 and under are free.

For more information, click here.


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