North Texas School District Under Fire for Removing the Bible & LGBTQ Literature from Schools


KELLER, TX – A Dallas Metroplex school district has removed of over 40 books, that included the Bible and a number of LGBTQ books, following the first day of school.

According to multiple reports, on Aug. 16, Keller ISD administrators sent out a notice to all staff district wide demanding that they remove a list of "controversial books." The list named 41 books including "The Bluest Eye," “Anne Frank’s Diary," “Gender Queer: A Memoir,” and "All versions of the Bible." 

This has caused strife for the school district from both sides of the isle. On the left, the Texas Tribune has pointed out that in today's society it should be ok for children to learn of different sexual orientations.

On the right's side many are upset that the Bible is even being lumped into it. As of now there are no other religious texts banned from the schools library.

Parents and activists have challenged the school district on the issue but as of now no change is likely to be made.

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