Update on the Dogs Cruelly Poisoned in San Angelo


SAN ANGELO, TX — An update this morning from Concho Valley PAWS Executive Director Jenie Wilson said that another of the dogs died last night. One still fights for their life even now, but Ms. Wilson said things do not look good.

“The male found Monday has passed. The dog found yesterday is still fighting, but it doesn’t look good,” she said.

On Monday, Feb. 20, 2023, two dogs at the Riverbend estates off Ben Ficklin Rd. were taken to the Western Veterinarian Hospital after they were found unconscious. Once there, the vets found signs that the dogs had been poisoned by multiple substances.

Another dog was found on Tuesday, Feb. 21. Of the three dogs found, two have died and the third is still fighting.

The first is a common ingredient used to kill animals, ethylene glycol or anti-freeze. The second, however, was something not normally seen in poisonings, fentanyl.

PAWS is also asking for donations as bills are piling up.  Wilson confirmed that the last dog will be observed for 48 hours. Once the 48 hours is up, they will determine the extent of the damage to their organs.

To donate, click here. In the donation comments, note that the money will be going toward the Riverbend dogs.

In order to attempt to save the dogs, they were given Narcan. Naloxone, sold under the brand name Narcan among others, is a medication used to reverse or reduce the effects of opioids. It is commonly used to counter decreased breathing in opioid overdose.

Concho Valley PAWS is asking the public to keep an eye out for any suspected criminal activity. There is still no word on suspects, but the SAPD is investigating and we will update if information becomes available.


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CGM5, Wed, 02/22/2023 - 16:42

Only lowlife scum would poison dogs like that. I doubt they will ever be caught. If they thought they would be found out, they would scurry away and hide like the cockroaches they are.

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