Another Crash on FM 2105


SAN ANGELO, TX — The crash at the intersection of US 87 north and FM 2105 was the scene of another crash Thursday afternoon. Involved were two vehicles - a Chevy Traverse and a Ram 1500 pickup.

DPS did not divulge any information but we observed what could have been a traffic citation to the driver of the white Chevy SUV.

Traffic was blocked across the intersection of FM 2015 at US 87 for about and hour allowing for DPS Troopers to investigate and for the VFD to clear up the scene of oil spills, glass and miscellaneous debris.

The crash happened just before 4:25 p.m. By 6 p.m. the intersection was cleared. No one was seriously injured and by the time we arrived at the crash scene the ambulance had already departed empty (if one arrived at all).

This intersection is notorious for crashes. FM 2105 from Oil Field Drive at the east, across Grape Creek Road and to its western end point at US 87 has seen multiple crashes over the past 12 months including two fatalities.

Another crash on FM 2105

Another crash on FM 2105

Another crash on FM 2105

Another crash on FM 2105

Another crash on FM 2105

Another crash on FM 2105

Another crash on FM 2105

Another crash on FM 2105

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Imagine that!! BIG RED stop sign with lights all round it! But nobody stops. They also will stack two or three cars in the median waiting to turn towards San Angelo instead of WAITING at the stop sign. We need an overpass at this intersection just like the one they built in Grape creek when all the hill rats did the same shit!!! Notice they don't have any crashes there anymore...

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