SAPD: Dead Bodies Confirmed to Be 61-Year-Old Male and 5-Year-Old Child


SAN ANGELO, TX - This evening, San Angelo Police and other emergency responders recovered two dead bodies near the Nasworthy Dam.

A Justice of the Peace has been called to the scene.

Dead bodies investigation on Spillway Rd. (LIVE! Photo/John Basquez)

At this time, this is a breaking story. We ask that people in that area respect the scene as investigators work to identify the individuals and notify families.

We will provide more details once available.

Update 9:10 p.m.

Police continue to investigate the deaths of two people found near Lake Nasworthy Dam, on the Spillway side off Beaty Road. Justice of the Peace Fred Buck was called to the scene, and we are waiting for an official statement from Officer Tracy Gonzalez, public information officer.

Stick with LIVE! for updates.

Update 9:50 p.m.

Officer Tracy Gonzalez said, at approximately 6:16 p.m. this evening, Public Safety Communications received a phone call about a possible dead body located at the Spillway in about the 1800 block of Beaty Road. 

"Officers responded and located two bodies in the water," Gonzalez said. "The bodies were recovered with assistance from the Fire Department."

The bodies have been identified and next of kin notified, said Gonzalez.

The age of the first victim is 61, and he's male, and the other, a child believed to be 5 years old.

[[{"fid":"25092","view_mode":"default","type":"media","attributes":{"alt":"Dead bodies identified on Beaty Road (LIVE! Photo/John Basquez)","title":"Dead bodies identified on Beaty Road (LIVE! Photo/John Basquez)","class":"media-element file-default imgbody"}}]]

"They are related; however, we cannot confirm the connection of the relation at this time," added Gonzalez.

As stated previously, Judge Buck was called out and pronounced the deaths. Their bodies will be sent for autopsy, and there are no signs of foul play. Gonzalez said the deaths appear to be accidental at this time.

She said officials believe the two were in the area fishing, and the Spillway is a tricky area to navigate.

"There's a portion of it covered in moss," Gonzalez said. "It's extremely slick, and there's another portion where the water is rushing pretty rapidly."

She noted that if your footing isn't good, it's very dangerous.

Sadly, a call came in just before 7 p.m. from concerned family members of the victims. They wanted to know if police had received some notification of a car crash or something, and this call came in not long after that call.

A witness in the area said at about noon, the witness was in the area and the victim's vehicle was not there. When the witness returned later, the witness noticed the vehicle there.

Officials believe the victims arrived sometime after noon, but were found just after 6 p.m.

"We hope to have more once the bodies go through autopsy," said Gonzalez.

The victims are from San Angelo, but their names are not being released at this time. Prayers to their families.

Note: Previously, when we first broke the story, we were told the investigation was taking place on Spillway Road, but it was the Spillway side near the Lake Nasworthy Dam.

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