Clever Criminal Walks Into Court With Joint


Criminals are not always clever, as was the case for 19-year-old Anthony Lee Jimenez Wednesday, when he walked into the Municipal Court clearly carrying contraband.

According to an incident report from the SAPD, Jimenez had gone to the courthouse to make a payment on a ticket, and as he was stopped at the security checkpoint, Officer David Baker noticed that the teen had a hand-rolled cigarette behind his ear. Having noticed the smell of unburned marijuana in the area when Jimenez arrived, Officer Baker asked him what he had behind his ear. Jimenez then began moving back toward the door through which he had entered.

Officer Baker followed Jimenez and grabbed his sleeve to stop him, then advised him that he would be charged with evading arrest if he left the building. Jimenez then stopped and handed over the joint, which Officer Baker determined to be the source of the smell, and was put in handcuffs.

Jimenez then explained that he had come to pay a ticket, at which point Officer Baker released him to complete his business. When he was finished, Jimenez was cuffed and put in the Municipal Court Holding Area until another officer was able to take over security and was taken to Tom Green County Jail.

Jimenez was found to be carrying “Blueberry Skunk” rolling papers in a search, and was booked for Possession of Marijuana and Possession of Paraphernalia.

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Carrying that weed behind his ear probably makes him cool and brave, along with forgetful.
I'm really impressed with the olfactory senses of Officer Baker!?! While I'm sure the hand-rolled cigarette wasn't cause for concern, it was Baker's "acute chemoreceptive abilities that transduced a chemical signal into an action potential", thereby apprehending the nefarious criminal! Way to...errr...smoke out the bad guy SAPD!

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