Sunny Spirits Spite Bad Weather at Chicken Farm's First Saturday


The day may have been cloudy and rainy, but the lack of sunlight didn’t diminish the beauty of the glass or still the tinkling that sounded from the light wind that grazed the glass wind chimes.

LeAnn Romines of Dia Grasta Art travels from Denver City, where she teaches highschool art, once a month to San Angelo to sell her unique wind chimes and sun catchers made from tempered glass.

“San Angelo is the most art-friendly place we come,” said Romines at the Chicken Farm Art Center on Saturday.

Coming from someone who travels all over Texas, that’s quite the compliment.

“There’s a good variety here,” she explained, “some of the places you go there’s going to be a lot of boutique stuff, little girl hair bows, jewelry and things like that. Here there’s a good mix of boutique stuff, food, and fine arts.”

Dia Grasta is Irish for God’s Grace, who Romines states is her inspiration to both create and teach others art.

She is also grateful for a place like the Chicken Farm that allows the spread of fine art and provides a space for artists to meet one another in a casual atmosphere.

Not even the dismal weather could dampen the spirits of LeAnn Romines, who says she will continue returning to San Angelo for the appreciators of the arts as well as the company of fellow artisans.





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