Burrito Bliss! San Angelo's Second Chipotle to Open This Week


SAN ANGELO, TX – San Angelo's second Chipotle Mexican Grill is complete and will open up this week, the business confirmed Monday afternoon.

On Wednesday, Dec. 21, 2022, the new Chipotle, located at 5590 Sherwood Way, will be opening its doors. The store will open at 10:45 a.m. and the first five people in line will receive free Chipotle merchandise.

This is the second Chipotle that will open in just the last few months. According to the company, the first Chipotle restaurant in San Angelo opened in September 2022 and set the fast food chain's record for being the highest opening sales day ever.  

The  new restaurant is hiring and provides benefits like a crew bonus with the opportunity to earn an extra month’s worth of pay each year, a debt-free college degree program, access to mental healthcare for employees and their families, and more. For more check out chipotle.com/careers

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How about Franco's?  

I knew quite well the original Fuentes' on Avenue K just down from the Avenue K pool hall.  The pool hall had snooker tables on which a lad could learn to shoot with subtlety and touch.  I still shoot 8-ball and 9-ball the same way.

Francos is delicious, but I've always hated that there aren't any windows in their establishment. Fuentes downtown was also good, until it got destroyed by the building next door. Now the food is sub par and it smells like sewage everytime we visit. The original Fuentes was dynamite as well as Dos Hermanos, but alas they aren't around anymore. I'd have no issue paying 30 dollars at any of those places as the food was always "worth its weight".

Don't forget Jalopenos Locos on K and Fernandez's both are local owned and terrific. Service can't be beat and food is consistent and great.

When it comes to Tex-Mex I have always found the best food to be at the locally owned and operated joints.  The chain stores tend to be adequate, but I prefer the local stuff.  Plus, I like to support the local, small business people.  They are the people I grew up with.

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