Rams Advance After First Ever Triple Play in School History


GRAND JUNCTION, CO— The Angelo State Rams Baseball team beat the West Texas A&M Herdsmen 7-4 set up by a triple play.

The sixth-seeded ASU Rams were down one run going into the seventh inning. Tripp Clark hit a home run bringing in Tayten Tredway and Jacob Guerrero to give the Rams the lead, 6-4, in the seventh.

The Rams’ Ryder McDaniel brought in Weston Valasek in the eighth.

In the bottom of the ninth, West Texas A&M loaded the bases and had no outs on the board. West Texas hit a line drive to McDaniel who threw it to first to Tredway, who threw the ball to second base for ASU's first ever triple play. The Rams won 7-4 over the Herdsmen.

ASU plays again today against second-seed Colorado Mesa at 8:00 p.m.

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